Seek medical help and call your doctor if your baby:
- Has a fever above 38 ° C/ 100°F (37.5 °C if newborn)
- Is not hungry for 2 consecutive feeds
- Has prolonged vomiting (for 12 hours or more)
- Has diarrhoea for more than 12 hours
- Has a high pitched cry for 2 or more hours
- Has dry nappies and doesn’t seem to be passing as much urine as normal
- Has cold skin
- Appears drowsy or unusually quiet or limp / sleepy or lethargic
- Neck is rigid or still
- Has a rash especially red or purple spots that don’t disappear when pressed with a glass
- Has a fit or convulsion
- Has pink, watery or sticky eyes
- Has blood in his / her urine or stools
- Has breathing difficulties or rapid breathing
- Has long fits of coughing
Young babies are very vulnerable. Always call the doctor if you are in doubt.