As soon as your child starts to crawl and move around you cannot take your eyes off them. It is a good idea to get down on your hands and knees and see everything from your child’s eyes to eliminate potential risks. Never leave your child unattended.

Tips to prevent accidents in your home

  • Keep childproof locks on doors and cupboards that contain cleaning products.
  • Fit stair gates on the top and bottom of the stairs.
  • Put covers on electrical sockets.
  • Attach protectors to sharp corners of tables.
  • Never put a child’s chair near a cooker.
  • Keep hot drinks out of children’s reach.
  • Never leave your front door open, a child can be out the door and onto the road in seconds.
  • Fit smoke detectors on every floor and check the batteries every year.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher handy.
  • Cover fires with fire guards.
  • Cords of window blinds can potentially strangle children. Tie them up out of reach. Secure all windows with window restrictions that don’t require tools for opening.
  • Never leave your child unattended in a bathroom.
  • Run cold water first when pouring a bath and always check the water first before placing your child in the bath.
  • Keep bathroom cosmetics, razors, medicines in a locked high level cabinet out of reach.
  • Do not let anyone smoke near your child.