Teething is the emergence of the first teeth through a baby’s gums.
It can begin as early as 3 months and continue until a child’s third birthday.
You may first notice that your baby has started to drool and is starting to put things into his mouth. Teething will probably not start for a few weeks after this.
For the majority of babies, the first tooth emerges between 4 and 7 months old. Sometimes you can actually see the tooth cutting through the gum, or you may be able to feel it emerging if you run a clean finger along your baby’s gum line.
The first teeth are usually the two bottom front teeth, followed by the four front upper teeth.
For one baby cutting a tooth might happen overnight without pain, while another child might have to go through a long, drawn out and painful experience.
Signs of teething
A teething baby will want to chew on anything
Drooling, which may begin about two months before the first tooth appears
Irritability or crankiness
Swollen gums
To help sooth your teething baby
Give your baby something to chew on. Teething rings are also good, you can put them in the fridge first and the coolness can help relieve the gums
A wet washcloth placed in the freezer for 30 minutes makes a handy teething aid
Massage your child’s sore gums with a sugar free teething aid
Use mild (sugar free) pain relief if your child wakes at night and is irritable
Wipe your baby’s face often with a cloth to remove the drool and prevent rashes from developing.
Gently massaging your baby’s gums with a clean finger can help relieve the pain.
Dry the drool – excessive drooling is part of the teething process. Some children develop a rash on their chin from constant dribbling. The skin can get quite red and sore, try using a gentle barrier cream on the area to prevent the skin from becoming raw and uncomfortable.