In Ireland, Child Benefit (previously known as Children’s Allowance) is payable to the parents or guardians of children under 16 years of age, or under 18 years of age if the child is in full-time education, Youth reach training or has a disability.
Birth details are now computerised, so the Child Benefit Office will contact you regarding payment of Child Benefit within ten days of the registration of your baby’s birth.
If you are not claiming Child Benefit for another child, a new claim is created by the Department and a partially completed claim form is sent to you for your signature and payment details. The baby is also given a Personal Public Service (PPS) Number.
If you are claiming Child Benefit for another child, your new baby is added to your Child Benefit claim and payment begins automatically from the month after the birth. A letter confirming payment will be sent to you by the Department. The baby is also given a Personal Public Service (PPS) Number.
There are different Child Benefit application procedures where babies are born outside Ireland.
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