The Public Health Nurse’s main role is to provide support to families and to provide health education and encourage health promotion such as infant care, advice about nutrition, promotion of breastfeeding, immunisation and child development screening.

The Public Health Nurse will provide core development checks from birth, and also at 3 months, 7-9 months, 18-2 years and 3.25/3.5 years of age.

During this check up your Public Health Nurse or medical officer will chat with you about any issues or concerns you may have regarding your child.

At each check your child’s general health will be checked including dental health and your child’s developmental health.

Eyes, ears, hips and testes (for boys) are checked against previous measurements to see that your child is growing and developing steadily.

If you or your health professional are concerned about any part of this, you will be referred to a specialist for further assessment.