Gross Motor
We know that first year of life your infant learns through their senses and in the second year of life they learn through movement
7 months
- Witnessing greater mobility.
- Rolling over.
- Sitting with support.
- Begin to get into a crawling position on their hands and knees.
9 months
- Sit up independently.
- Begin to pull onto the furniture and walk along side.
18 months
- Can squat to pick up an object from the floor and then stand up again without any support.
- Now walking.
- Can climb onto a chair to reach something they want.
24 months
- Can walk up and down stairs if you hold their hand.
- Can walk and run well.
Fine Motor
7 months
- Can reach for and pick up a toy using both hands at once.
- Will try and pick up a crumb using a thumb and all of their fingers in a raking motion even if aren’t able to pick it up.
9 months
- Pick up a small toy with only one hand.
- Can pick it up with the tips of their fingers without dropping it.
18 months
- Can throw a small bowl with a forward arm motion.
- Can stack three small blocks one on top of each other.
- Can get a spoon into their mouth.
24 months
- Can feed themselves using a spoon without creating too much of a mess.
- Turn pages of a book.
- Loves flipping switches on and off.
- Stack seven small blocks on top of each other.