Experts Involved

We would like to acknowledge and thank the Masters and Directors of Midwifery in the maternity hosptials that have supported the whatsupmum project and allowed us to film in their hospitals.

We would also like to thank the following healthcare professionals for their contribution to the filming of this project.

Professor Michael Turner, HSE National Clinical Lead for Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Professor Martin White, Paediatrician, Director of Paediatrics and Newborn Medicine, Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital
Dr. Peter Boylan, Obstetrician, National Maternity Hospital, Holles Street
Dr. Sam Coulter-Smith, Obstetrician, Master of the Rotunda Hospital
Lorraine O’Hagan, Lactation Consultant, National Maternity Hospital
Dr. Mairead Kennelly, Obstetrician, Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital
Ms Ruth Magee, Chartered Physiotherapist
Ms Jean Cousins, Clinical Midwife,, Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital
Ms Barbara Whelan, Clinical Midwife Specialist, Neo Natal, Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital

Paula Barry, Midwife, Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital
Professor Alf Nicolson, HSE National Clinical Lead for Paediatrics
Dr. Carol Blackburn, Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Dr. Turlough Bolger Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Dr John Fitzsimons Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Orla Callender Practice Nurse
Dr. Roisin McNamara Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Dr. Nandini Kandamany Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Fiona O’Doherty E.R. Nurse
Dr. Michael Barrett Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Dr Ciara Martin Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Christian Micallef Paediatric Nurse
Ann Costigan Colorectal/ Stoma Clinical Nurse Specialist
Dr. Kirsten FitzGerald Consultant Paediatric Dental Consultant
Dr. Eanna MacSuibhne Paediatric Emergency Medicine
Amanda.McDonnell Clinical Nurse Manager
Linda Farren & Mary Gorman (E.D. Resus Team)
Sinead Heaney, Community Midwife
Caroline Keegan, Our Lady of Lourdes, Drogheda
Dr Elizabeth Dunn, Obstetrician, Wexford General Hospital
Ms Fiona Dunlevy, Dietician, Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital
Ms Margaret Fanagan, Midwife Manager, The National Maternity Hospital
Dr Michael O’Dowd, Obstetrician, Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe, Co Galway
Anne O’Malley, Public Health Nurse
Teresa McCourt, Citizens Information Service
Ursula Durcan, Registrar, Civil Registration Service
Patricia McLoughlin, Public Health Nurse
Grainne Ryan, Public Health Nurse
Paula Oats Fahy, Public Health Nurse
Anne Regan, Public Health Nurse
Mary Langtry, Public Health Nurse
Jennifer Gray, Public Health Nurse
Martina Corkery, Public Health Nurse
Maeve Smyth, Public Health Nurse
Jane Dare, Public Health Nurse

Also, a special thank you to Fiona Dunlevy and Dr. Ciara McGowan, Prof Fionnuala McAuliffe and Karen Lindsay for providing all of the healthy recipes.

Finally, all of the healthcare and other experts contributing articles for this website and all of the parents that share their stories with us.